Build Process

Congratulations! You’ve been working hard to develop a design for your property and now it’s time to see it come to life.

Hope you packed some chapstick because the build phase of our process is where we finally set out on our journey with our final destination in sight...your incredible outdoor space! Here are some things to keep in mind along the way.


Bring It In for A Group Hug!

While the designer you have been working with is your main point of contact, know that there are a team of people working to ensure your project goes smoothly. Think of us like a big extended family who are just around to help...don’t worry though, we won’t show up for Thanksgiving. Your designer is responsible to keep you updated on the status of the project, ensure the project is being built according to the design, and answer any questions you may have throughout the build process. We also have staff who, among many tasks, schedule our crews and material deliveries, answer logistical questions, and process payments. If you’re interested in learning more about the behind the scene people, feel free to visit the Team page on our website.


Someone’s Gotta Pay For This, pt. 2

We checked again and we are still being told that just hanging out and working for free is a bad business model. Now that we have a defined estimate and scope of work, our office manager will be sending out a progress payment schedule which will specify the timing of payments through the build process. If any changes are made to the scope of work while the project is under construction, the progress payment schedule will be adjusted to reflect the new project total. With each emailed payment request, you will be provided a link to make a payment online through your bank account. If this is too high tech for you, we will also accept a check.


This Is Messy Business

Imagine a meteor plummeting toward the earth and landing square in your back yard in an eruption of fiery wreckage. This is what your property will look like when the build process is underway. Grass; gone, irrigation system; demolished, house; well your house will be fine but your yard is definitely destroyed. The build of your project will be a messy process but don’t worry, it’s all worth it in order to build the outdoor space of your dreams. Our crews work hard to keep a clean and organized job site. We also locate all major utilities before any work begins. However, keep in mind that any private utility lines, invisible dog fence wires, cable lines, and irrigation systems may be impacted during construction. Any necessary repairs to these lines will be billed for accordingly.

We are excited to start your project! 

If you have anymore questions regarding your new space, please feel free to reach out!